Friday, June 25, 2010

Friends reunited..

Yesterday was held a reunion at KBMall. Just got this notice from Miss F bout this from Facebook a week ago.
At first, I felt so lazy to go because somehow I kinda think there's no special bout this place called KBMall.
At last, I just go for the sake of my friends. Just think that in the future, maybe there's no time or somehow problem when we want to make this reunion because maybe few of us have a family, children..hahahaha..
Just think bout it. My mom went to her college reunion after 20years i guess.

Reunion today quite surprising. I don't know so many coming. Total girls like 6 person and the boys made a total of 12 person. The last one coming is our VVIP Peja. The minute we want to close the ceremony, Mr Peja came. What a surprise. So funny, lol.

First event was supposed to be bowling. But the place was damn fully booked. While waiting for our number,
our organiser, Mr Hafez, my ex-dormate asked us to buy gifts around RM5 because after that we will exchange by lucky draw number.

After lunch at the food court, the gift exchange started. Mine was given to Miss Elly. I got a gift from Miss F. Haha.. Quite surprising. I felt like i got a gift from a blogger. Hahahahhaha.. Miss F, i know you read this.
So, lets see what i got.

nice wrapping..

then, open la..

and the small card..

Thanks Miss F for the gift. It's quite fragile. Mind if i put it in the aquarium? Haha.. joking..
The gathering ended with a speech by Mr Hafez. Then we all scattered around and apart from each other.
But four of them with me. KP, AP, Pjie and Meso headed to KB bus station by my car. Became a pilot on the ground.. Hahahaa...

Here's the pictures i took at the gathering..

me and Mr Hafez..

Mr KP and Mr AP

Mesol and Pjie..

Pjoe, Tcher John, Safwan

there's Mat Cah and his girlfriends.. We waved at him but he didn't noticed.. Hahaha

When is the next reunion? 5 years? 10 years? Allah knows..


  1. Very Nice dude..I ve got latest n3 too Check it out !! It's very cool, really ;D

  2. bestnya dapat jumpa kawan2 lama ek? :)

  3. u know what, all of a sudden, tears welled up in my eyes.
    and a lil bit funny, sebab i wrote "lots of love" tu.

  4. faiz, x ajk pun....i'm ur old buddy too...;(

  5. @hAsu
    nati kito wat kat jepun..hahaha..
    kalu jupo d-josh denuh, kirim salam deh..

  6. @fikah mus
    mane ada funny, it's kinda strange, lol.. =P

  7. @Anonymous
    oit.. yeke?
    awat x call tanya kabar ke ape?
    btw, identify urself anonymous..

  8. just someone who used to be close with u.hehe..miss that moments..;)

  9. @Anonymous
    hurm.. mcm kenal je sape..
    PM me at facebook..ok?

  10. future pilot?? niceee~
    bestnyaaaa :)
    (wah apa kena mengena komen ini dengan entry ini?huhu)

  11. cmner la nk PM kalo x add pun.sdih...;(rupa2nya slama ni x add pun.

  12. demo ne gak eh..wat reunion time ak duk tekun studi..huahua
