Saturday, May 29, 2010

MillatFacebook - a Muslim Facebook?

As Facebook was blocked in Pakistan earlier this month, an alternative for it called MillatFacebook ( has been created. 

Facebook was blocked due to a group that promoting Draw Prophet Mohammad Day.
I would say this is a great idea to replace Facebook.

There are several similar features for this time being including Wall, Friends and more. 
But don't expect the same experience as Facebook as it's still new.

taken from

This what the front page of MillatFacebook says:
"MillatFacebook helps you connect and share with more than
1.57 Billion Muslims and Sweet people from other Religions."
According to, six young IT professionals from Pakistan’s capital Lahore, 
decided to launch their own version of the social networking site. 

So, muslims out there, come and join MillatFacebook.
The site already has over 23,000 users in the page few days,
most of them are Pakistanis.
 Malaysian? I don't know.

p/s : Ehem2.. Aku tgk dier punya page same cam Fb. Bahaya neh. Kalu kire, boleh kena saman nie.. Aku nk tgk terms and condition dia pun xleh. Maybe x buat lg kot. Aku tunggu ramai geng Msia masuk, baru aku masuk.. hehehe =P

Big Fish Moment with Pizza Hut

Just now..
I'm going to Pizza Hut 
for dinner..

 15 minutes later, I finally arrived...

This is the place.. Pizza Hut Kubang Kerian!
Close up a lil bit..

That's nice...
What's over there?
Let see...

This look great to me... Let's rock and roll~
Me : Hi.
Pizza Hut Guy (PH): Welcome. Dine in or take away?
Me : Take away.
PH : Can I have your order, please
Me : Erm.. Can I have a Fish King Pizza?
PH : Okay. What size? Regular or Large?
Me : Besarrr punya.. Err..I mean the large one.
PH : Anything else sir?
Me : Can I use this coupon? (Astro coupon)
PH : Okay. Pick 2 from the menu.
Me : This one and this one. (Hawaiian Chicken & Pepperoni)
PH : Total is RM64.80.
Me : Okay. (Pay)
PH : Please wait. Your order will ready in 14 minutes.
Me : I'll wait.

inside view.. looking good to me.. 

PH : Here's your pizza.
Me : Thank you.
PH : You're welcome. Please come again..

After the traffic jam and so on, I arrived home safely..
Home sweet home..

Still hot!
1 Large and 2 Regular~

I was drooling and felt so hungry after seeing this..
This is what I'm waiting for..
Special pizza.. Royal style!
Alaskan pollock fish fingers on each slice..
Crab stick cut into smaller pieces everywhere.. Pineapples too..
and the mozarella cheese all over..
I said, "Woah!! Heaven!"

Special Fish King Pizza!

Look closely..

See? It's heaven..

I'm sorry Mr King Pizza.. I have to. I'm so hungry!

Picture taken before eat..
Me :Any last word Mr. Pizza? 
Mr Pizza : You're not gonna believe what you're eating..
Me : Oh, really? 
Mr Pizza : Positive.
Me : Okay. Bye bye!

The taste was incredible! I never felt so much good before after eating this pizza..
After all this time eating pizza, I could say this is the best pizza so far..
Burrppp!! (opps! sorry.. didn't see that coming)

My mom said, "The fish finger taste so delicious. If the supermarket sell these, 
I wouldn't mind buying it for my children's breakfast."

I said, "Sorry mom.. This is Alaskan pollock fish finger. 
You're never find it anywhere besides Pizza Hut!"

-------- This is the big fish moment i will never forget! --------

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hari Jumaat yang biasa...

Bangun pagi..
Hari ni hantar mak ayah ke airport.
Ada function kat KL.

Hmm.. then breakfast..
Mamam nasi dagang beli kat tempat biase..
Then, online jap..

Dah berapa hari dah tak post something kat blog..
Demam panas der.. Ni semua adik aku la punya pasal.
Mula2 dia yang demam, pastu aku plak yang terkena tempias..
Teruk lak tu.. Nasib..nasib..

Apapun syukur Alhamdulillah.. hari ini sihat.. tapi x brape pasti 
sihat benar2 atau sihat ala kadar..
Semalam aku pi gunting rambut lepas isi minyak kete..
Habis rambut panjang aku ilang.. Tinggal sikit je rambut..
Mak aku cakap macam askar la plak..
Aku tak kisah. Lega skit. Rasa ringan lak..

Lepas solat jumaat tadi..
Adik aku terpekik telolong panggil aku suruh tengok mende..


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I've been Tagged : 23 Random Facts About Yourself

I've been tagged by Tweetysuwitt.. 
It's been like 11 days from the date I've been tagged..
Not like I don't want to do it, but I quite busy..Hehehe

(a) Tulis 23 perkara rawak (random) tentang diri anda (tak kisah ler benda tu fakta 
keangan-angan ker cita-cita ker imaginasi ker tentang ‘body’ ker awek, pakwe, makwe etc.)
1. pakai spek sejak berumur 7 tahun tapi tak pakai dah lepas buat Lasik tahun lepas..
2. benci bila pergi Popular then tgk novel Melayu semua pasal Cinta.. tak habis2 dgn cinta..
3. suka tgk movies..
4. fast food? suka jugak.. tapi skrg dah kurang la..
5. warna kegemaran - hijau epal

6. pernah patah tangan akibat jatuh tangga sbb main slide~ =P

7. kena tangkap oleh airport security sbb filming airport kat Singapore.. insaf dah~

8. suka bawak kereta laju2.. skrg ni slow dah skit..
9. suka English class..
10. susah nak memahami Chemistry smpai skrg.. huhu..
11. asyik fail Add Math tapi bila SPM manage to get 3B..
12. ada 5 diecast model aircraft..
13. suka edit photos..
14. tak suka tgk tandas yg kotor..
15. pernah bersekolah di chinese primary school selama 2 tahun..

16. masa kecik2 suka gaduh dgn abang Farid..
17. tak suka bila dimarahi orang..
18. nak beli kereta Mitsubishi Evo bila kerja nanti..
19. umur saya skrg ni tapi nk masuk 20 dah next month..
20. minat Manchester United..
21. suka main-main dgn kucing..
22. suka main game FPS..
23. dengan rendah diri, masih belum seorang Islam yang sempurna..
(b) Tag lak benda ni kepada rakan blog anda (sekurangnya 5 orang)
1. EIQA --> follower terbaru..
2. Blablablabber --> pinky.. knp? tgk la blog dier..
3. Morningtonight --> same cam aku..hihihi..
4. Ileenamuin --> saje suka2 tag..
5. Bluedianthus --> top blogger.. tp sudi tgk blog aku yg xsberapa ni.. TQ

(c) Kalau tak ikut peraturan, di mana keseronokan

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2nd Award! Yeay!

Today, i opened my shoutmix on my blog..  
Woah! I've been tagged by Miss Wani
But there's a regulation that i must obey to receive this award officially..

Regulations to receive this award :
1) Thank and link the person that gave you the award.
Thanks Miss Wani for this award.
2) Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’re recently discovered and think are fantastic:
- sure. i will shout at your chatbox later, okay? :D

3) Contact the blogs and let them know they’ve won the award:
be patient.. i will shout at your chatbox later! :P
4) State 7 things about yourself: easy. just state the seven.
1 . funny .
2. likes being friend to anybody .
3 . careless when driving. i admit that..
4 . sensitive .
5.likes to smile. sometimes, people will ask, "
Kenape ko sengih2 ni? Ada pape ke?" .
6 . likes to watch drama and movies all the times .
7 .dreamer .

Movie Review : Le Petit Nicolas

 Hi guys..
Hmm.. What can i say about this movie..?
It's brilliant. I enjoyed so much watching this movie.
I laughed all the time.. (Hahahahaha...)

Kids. They see it things in a way opposite to adults.
Let me see.. Nicolas ask his mom, "How do you make babies?"
The boy asking this question in a very innocent look on his face.
His mother? Speechless.. Luckily, dad came back.

The story based on a French children's book with the same title. 
The book translated in 30 languages and sold 
more than 10 million copies around the world.
It's sound like this movie is totally great to watch.

While i was watching this movie, i was thinking 
that why my childhood is not as great as Nicolas?
 Why? Why? Why?
I guess we're in different times and surroundings.
That's it. 
The story was made based
on that time that is in the 50's.
 What was i thinking? 
Silly me..

The main actor are eight kids under the age of 10 that perform superbly. 
They are so natural that you feel you are one of their friends 
who is living the story with them.

This movie is a must watch for all especially the adults.
It's in French. So, remember, if you don't
learn French, download the English subtitle, ok?
Rating : 9.5/10

Screenshots :

come here you little rat!

what happened to the house? Nicolas!!!

Gambling? No no no.. It's forbidden..

but these kids play...

can he drive?

Tell me what you want to be when you grow up..

class photo.. say CHEESE..

photo credit : Google

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hari yang memenatkan..

Pada saat dan ketika aku menaip post ini, aku masih lagi
pening, letih dan kurang waktu tidur.
Jam 9.30 malam semalam, gangguan elektrik berlaku di kawasan rumah aku. 
Tapi yang menghairankan, rumah belakang aku ada pulak elektrik. Cis.Kurang asam.
Nasib baik adikku sempat menggosok baju sekolahnya. 
Aku dan adik-adik ketika itu berada dalam keadaan panas.
Bila kami keluar rumah, kawasan sekeliling tidaklah gelap dan diterangi oleh cahaya bulan.
Indahnya bintang2 berkedipan. Adikku berkata, "Wahh.. Banyaknya bintang!!!"
Sempatku merakam gambar bulan dan bintang.

 terang bulan~

 bintang di langit~

Kira-kira pukul 1.00pagi barulah bekalan elektrik ada dan keadaan pulih seperti sediakala.
Aku lekas bangun dan pasang suis aircond. Kesian aku melihat adik-adik kepanasan.
Lepas itu, aku terus online sebentar dan menonton filem sampai keesokan paginya.

Tepat jam 6.00pagi, aku gerak adik-adik untuk mempersiapkan diri ke sekolah.
Gorenglah nugget, corn fingers dan prawn balls untuk sarapan pagi adik-adik.
Cikgu Za (jiran aku) yang hantar mereka ke sekolah kerana destinasi mereka sama.
Aku menyidai pakaian dan terus sambung menonton filem.

2 movie yg aku tgk pagi tadi ~
review? malaslah buat masa ni..

Dalam fikiranku, nak tidur, bimbang terjadi peristiwa lalu di mana adik-adikku 
terpaksa menunggu hampir satu jam kerana aku terlelap dibuai mimpi. 
Tahu-tahu jelah yang aku ni susah sikit nak bangun walaupun digerak orang. 
Inikan tiada orang nak gerak. Memang tak bangunlah aku.

Bila masa aku off PC pukul 1.00 petang, aku pergilah tanam pokok mangga yang 
aku tanam hari tu kat belakang rumah. Lepas tu, bila aku nak pasang lampu bilik air, 
tak nyalalah pulak.Rupa-rupanya, bekalan elektrik terputus sekali lagi.. Aiyoo.. Tensen!!! 
Aku pergilah keluar beli makanan tengah hari dan pergi ambil adik-adikku dari sekolah.

Lepas balik, aku telefonlah TNB Careline, tanya pasal gangguan bekalan kat rumah aku.
Gadis yang bercakap denganku ketika itu berkata, "Maaf. Skuad kami sedang pasang 
transformer baru dekat masjid berdekatan rumah encik. Emergency. 
Jangkaan bekalan elektrik disambung semula mungkin pukul 4 @ 5 petang ini."

 agak2 macam ni kot rupa transformer tu~

Apaa??? Lama tu.. Adikku yang kecik ajak aku pergi KBMall. 
Tinggallah adik aku yang sorang lagi sebab dia kena study. Ada exam esok.
Jalan2 je. Lagipun masa tu, aku rasa seperti orang gila. Tak cukup tidur. Faham-faham jelah.
Sempatla beli kereta baru untuk adik aku. Fuhh..bunyi cam orang kaya laks..

 kereta Ferrari.. Tauke tu cakap kereta ni baru je sampai pagi tadi~

Balik pukul 4.30 petang, masih lagi tiada elektrik. Adess...
Ntah macam mana, aku tertidur la pulak.
Pukul 7.30 petang tadi aku baru tersedar. Pening macam sekarang ini. 
Aku tanya adik aku, bila ada balik elektrik. Dia cakap, "baru je...".
Lorh.. dekat 5 jam tu..
Pukul 8.15 malam, aku pergi anta adik aku pergi tuisyen.
Kejap lagi pukul 10.30 malam kena ambik la pulak.
Letihnya.. Nak tidurlah lepas ambik adik aku pasni..

macam ni kot rupa aku bila tido nanti~ kui3..

p/s: tidak tahu mengapa rasa nak tulis post dalam BM. panjang berjela post aku kali ni. 
Sori la kalau boring.. =P

Forget the past!

I made a lot of mistakes few years back.

I can't stop regretting my wrongdoings.

But somehow, I think that I must move on.

"Everyone makes mistakes"

If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything.
I must think ahead and do the right thing.

Don't be a Superman if you cannot be one!

Woah!! This is awesome honey..

Look! He can fly.. Why don't we try?

Before that, we should make costume first..

Hey! Wait for me!!

Who want to jump first?

I do! See this.. Ahhh....

You okay down there?

I'm sorry what happened to you. I told you we shouldn't do it.
Anyway, get well soon...

p/s : Don't ever believe such a ridiculous things..

photo credit :

Friday, May 21, 2010

Movie Review : Shutter Island (2010)

I've been waiting for this movie release its DVD.

I have watched the trailer of this movie few months back.

There's something interesting about this movie.

Shutter Island is horror/thriller movie. 

After you watch this movie, you will say, "What??? I thought that..."
I would say this movie is very good. Good to watch.

My rating for this movie is 8/10.

The film is well filmed. The actor Leonardo DiCaprio is superb.

This is the details of this movie :

Shutter Island is a 2010 psychological mystery-thriller film directed by Martin Scorsese. 

The film is based on the 2003 novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane. 

Production started in March 2008. 

Leonardo DiCaprio stars as U.S. Marshal Edward "Teddy" Daniels, 

who is investigating the psychiatric facility on Shutter Island.

Shutter Island was originally slated to be released on October 2, 2009, 

but Paramount pushed the release date to February 19, 2010. 

Paramount head executive Brad Grey blamed the economic downturn as 

the main factor behind the delayed release date.

Screenshots :

Teddy Daniels and his partner

I sense something that not right here


How to go to the lighthouse?

I love you, honey..

I can't give you more screenshots because I'll spoil the mood of the story. 

This will eventually flushed out the thriller!

You must watch it yourself.

p/s : Another great movie lead by Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio.. Who didn't know him from the movie "Titanic..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Creative Award


Menunjukkan kesenian yang begitu peka terhadap blog anda
 dan mencerminkan sesuatu nilai penghasilan.

menunjukkan bahawa award ini tidak henti-henti 
diberikan kepada blogger yang layak menerima

jika anda perhatikan betul-betul, ia adalah manusia berkepalakan monitor komputer.
Ini bermaksud bahawa manusia pada abad ini sudah celik IT dan mantap dalam dunia maya.

Untuk maklum balas penerima AWARD ini, ikhlaskan hati untuk membuat entri/posting berkenaan AWARD ini dengan kreatif dan penuh estatik beserta FOWARD kepada 5 orang yang betul - betul layak menerima AWARD ini. anda juga boleh meletakkan AWARD ini di side bar atau dimana - mana yang bersesuaian. tinggalkan comment untuk ucapan manis anda.

Award ni didatangkan khas dari incik eddyboyz dan di'forward'kan oleh captain88
Terima kasih di atas penganugerahan ini. Terima kasih juga kepada 
pengikut dan pengunjung setia blog saya.
Jadi, orang yang saya tag kali ini :

Monday, May 17, 2010

Want to get millions of traffic?

Lihat kepada blog saya, blog saya baru saja bertapak dan
trafik pun bukannya tinggi sgt pun.
Dapat tips ini daripada BLOG SERBAGUNA .
Saya tak tahu sama ada menjadi ke tidak.
Apa kata kita cuba dulu..

Mari baca cara-caranya:

1. Tulis posting artikel seperti posting ini, atau copy-paste artikel ini.
Kemudian beri tajuk yg menarik.

2. Anda hanya cuma meletakkan Link URL di bawah ini
untuk artikel yang anda tuliskan dalam blog / web anda.

1. Tintalughahwi
2. Igauan
3. Ad-dai’
4. kakngah
5. zlh@n
6. LYAfrina
7. download mp3 percuma
8. bℓog buðak χ-nakaℓ ♂
9.Cara hidup baru abad 21
10.Bila Aku Menulis Blog
12: My Big Family & Friends
14. matdin
15. Just mY thoughts...

1. Sebelum anda meletakkan web-web di atas di komuniti Link URL ke posting web / blog anda, sila hapuskan link nombor 1.
Selepas itu pindahkan Link no.2 menjadi no.1,
yang No.3 jadi No.2,
yang No.4 jadi No.3
dan seterusnya.
Setelah itu masukkan link anda di urutan bawah (No.15).

2. Ingat! Jangan Ubah urutan daftar link itu.Jika setiap blogger mengikuti formula tersebut, maka bakal menghasilkan backlink seperti berikut:

Bila posisi anda pada no.15, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi no.14, Jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi no.13, Jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi no.12, Jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi no.11, Jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi no.10, Jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi no.9, Jumlah backlink = 15,625
Posisi no.8, Jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi no.7, Jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi no.6, Jumlah backlink = 1,953,125
Posisi no.5, Jumlah backlink = 9,765,625
Posisi no.4, Jumlah backlink = 48,828,125
Posisi no.3, Jumlah backlink = 244,140,625
Posisi no.2, Jumlah backlink = 1,220,703,125
Posisi no.1, Jumlah backlink = 6,103,515,625

Belum cuba, belum tahu.
Jom kita jayakannya!

Jackpot RM19000!!!

i wake up in the morning..

i was surprised...

there is a new message on my phone..

Sunday, May 16, 2010

my personal infograph

You just need to answer all nine questions and

ionz will create your own Personal Infograph

showing how you compare to anyone else has also answered the questions. 

You can then personalize your infograph by changing colours, adding a personal message, 

changing the layout, change the background colour and add a picture. 

Then, save the image as your wallpaper.

So far, over 60,000 people have created their own infograph wallpaper.

Try it!

H.A.P.P.Y T.E.A.C.H.E.R.S' D.A.Y

I may not say it always.

But, I mean it whenever I say it.

Thank You Teacher

For all the things you have done for me.

Happy Teachers Day!

 I dedicated this to my teachers at:

Tadika Farley
SRJK (C) Peir Chih
SK Kubang Kerian (3)
SM Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra
Kolej MARA Kulim

Thanks for the advices, knowledge, detention and all other things that you have given to me.
Thanks for making us what we are today.
There's no such thing to repay for what you did.
May Allah bless you ~

p/s: i also dedicated this to all the teachers all over Malaysia!  Without you, we are nothing~