Tuesday, December 07, 2010

3rd Week - Update..

This is my third week here. So far so good.
The weather is not so good. Raining several days
and just a lil bit sunshine yesterday.
I have so much experiences being here at the moment.
Some of them just to discipline me to become
a stronger and responsible person.

At APFT, there's not such thing as a bullying.
No physical contact are allowed.
My principal said about this over and over again.
Yes, sir!


At the moment, my batch just have to study for
the incoming exam this 21st December.
Don't know what the questions are.
But, we already look out for past exams as a
reference and to see how the questions look like.
Some senior told me to study more on Navigation.
Thanks, man!

Today is holiday.
I hope all of you are fine and cheerful.
Salam Maal Hijrah from me.

- - - - pictures attached - - - -

class schedule written on the whiteboard...

Co-pilot Arief

Captain Hafiz
Chief Hanif / Tok

This is Faizal..
my desk in my room
I will earn this wing after I finish study here. Insha Allah..

PA-28 model aircraft displayed here in front of the reception..
Jumaat prayer at Mukim Panji Mosque (in photo - Iskandar)

Osprey RC - want to buy but the workmanship is horrible..

Flying log book (Log hours of flying in here)

just taken minutes ago.. Raining...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tiring day..

I suddenly woke up early today at about 0530 from nightmare by my neighbor next door, Iskandar. Thanks man. That dream suffered me so much. Can’t tell you what my dream was. Hahaha... That was my past. One of my terrible memories I had long time ago. Somehow, I changed now, little by little. Oh, forgot to tell you that I changed my villa along with Faizal. That’s due to majority of the villa are smokers. My friend coughed days before I write this. Pity him. Hey, he’s okay but again coughs because of the bad weather that was rain yesterday. It rained for one whole day. You’re asking about me? I’m fine. Hi mum! Making chocolates at home? (Hahahaha..)

view from inside the bus in the morning..

Today class I learnt about so many things. Every day is an adventure to me. For me, my favourite subjects are Radio Telephony (RTT) and Aircraft General Knowledge (AGK). The other subjects are okay but tend to make me sleepy. Well, in class we cannot sleep or lean on the table. If we do that, maybe the Instructor will ask you to stand up or maybe shout at you. As I told you earlier in last post that here is all about DISCIPLINE and TEAMWORK.  So, I tried so hard not to sleep by drinking coffee before the first class and break at 10.15am. Yesterday, I had to stand up at the last 15 minutes before class ended (not because of instructor told me so, I do it myself). If I didn’t understand what I have to learn that day, so it will burden me to study so many things back at the villa. I don’t want that. It will slow me down and maybe being left behind. 
view from Surau at ground school..

Best Piloting and Top Gun AB-Initio
Academic Excellent
Picture of Boeing aircraft outside AirAsia class..
Radio Telephony Class..

I went jogging at about 5.40pm at the Kompleks Islam Jubli Perak Sultan Ismail Petra that situated just at the other side of the road in front of our crew residence. It was quite tiring for me as I didn’t jog for quite a long time. So, my stamina right now is not so strong and I have to build it up. After jog, I went to gym for a 10 minutes session there. Just a little bit. I don’t want to make myself so tired that it will eventually make me want to sleep and sleep but less study. It’s not that profitable for me. I want to become active both physical and mental.

children playing outside futsal arena

Massa Futsal Arena

view of crew residence from Kompleks Islam

Crew Residence

So, as tonight I will be studying for tomorrow’s lesson. Be prepared! Instructors will not teach page by page. They will just go through overall topics. 

My AGK Instructor, Captain Vikram said,  
“Talk Aviation, Dream Aviation and Think Aviation”.

End of this post.  Out!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Waiting Ends Here..

Assalamualaikum and hello guys. It has been a long time for me not to update my blog. Dear fellow readers and bloggers, I'm so sorry. Right now, I can online after days of offline due to some reasons.

My place to stay now is Crew Residence here in Pengkalan Chepa for 2 years from now. This is like a home for cadet/student pilot of Asia Pacific Flight Training (APFT). I came here last Sunday for the registration. I'm tired waiting to pursue piloting course. I waited for about almost a year because I undergone Lasik operation to meet the requirement to become a pilot since my spectacle degree is so high.

My new life begins here. Why? Because I want to change myself to become a better person. A pilot cannot be lazy and timid. So, I want to become a pilot who is hardworking, confident and always prepared.

So, why you want to become a pilot? This is the question being asked over and over again.
For me, there's a lot to be told. But I will tell you two reason. First, I want to become the pioneer in my family that pursue piloting. Second, I want to prove to my family that I want to become a successful person. I want to do whatever it takes to obtain the pilot wings.

It's not easy to pursue piloting now. The fees is so expensive and the course is only 20 months which have to cover a lot of subjects and also flying phase. My parents have to go to the bank to apply for loan. I only got the RM100k and every month cut RM2k from my father's salary. You see? Some of my friends here are lucky to get Yayasan Terengganu Sponsorship. I have to study very hard and graduate so that my parents sacrifice will paid off. Before this, I felt so bad about their paying for this expensive course because my family isn't exactly rich. Just so-so. For my batch, we got RM15k discount for the fees.

Join APFT now! Another two intakes. So hurry, why pay more?

I can say that the learning atmosphere is conducive. The instructors here are all friendly and teach us well. I can understand about what I'm learning. The seniors here welcomed us and will help us if one of us have a problem. 

Here at APFT, it's all about TEAMWORK. One person of the batch did something wrong, one batch will be punished. We must help each others. DISCIPLINE is being taught here to all cadets. No exemption. Every Sunday and Thursday, there will be marching parade outside the ground school. 

APFT is recognized as IPTS or Private Higher Education Institution because all cadets here will hold a Diploma in Aviation after graduate as it is included. The only one here in Malaysia. No place else. So, this is a bonus for us.

That's all for the time being. Will update later on this. 
Before you leave my blog to read others, enjoy the photos!

my desk on the 1st day..

the bed and towel rack..
view of the villas during the night..

Official transport for APFT cadet pilots..

Cafeteria here at Crew Residence..

More photos to come. So stay tuned! 
Don't hesitate to ask question and comments are welcomed.

p/s: I do not represent APFT. Questions being answered based on my knowledge.
If you want to contact APFT, you can do so by checking their website here.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kelantan Juara Piala Malaysia 2010

Buat pertama kalinya Kelantan muncul juara Piala Malaysia 2010 setelah mengalahkan pasukan Negeri Sembilan 2-1 pada perlawanan akhir di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil.

Penyokong pasukan Kelantan membanjiri stadium untuk memberi semangat buat pasukan kesayangan mereka. Tidak sia-sia sorakan padu yang telah diberikan buat pemain-pemain apabila dibalas dengan piala yang diidam-idamkan selama ini.

lautan merah memenuhi stadium..

cuti peristiwa dihadiahkan kepada rakyat Kelate..

Itu dia Piala Malaysia
TAHNIAH pasukan Kelantan! Pastinya para pemain dan penyokong dapat tidur lena dengan kemenangan ini.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Misery Bear makes a new friend

Misery Bear makes a new friend.

Caution: They don’t call him “Misery Bear” for nothing.


Sunday, October 24, 2010


Tahniah diucapkan kepada pasukan Kelantan yang mara ke perlawanan akhir. Jaringan pemusnah Norshahrul Idlan Talaha begitu hebat sekali. Tapi kalau diimbas semula rakaman video, penjaga gol Kedah menampan masuk bola ke gawang yang sememangnya akan masuk. Lepas tu, dia sepak sekali lagi untuk kepastian penonton Kelantan. Hak3...

Kedengaran bunyi bunga api beberapa kali. Berpesta sungguh puok2 ni. Kelantan bertemu semula dengan Negeri Sembilan. Harap2 tidak jadi perlawanan ulangan tahun lepas. Kalau menang, barangkali cuti hari lepas tu. Kui3..

Mari kita saksikan gol kemenangan Kelantan.

Hebat tak?

p/s : Gomo Kelate Gomo! Jumpa di Bukit Jalil!

video kredit : sokernet.com

Friday, October 22, 2010

Just another Friday..

Happy Friday! Hari paling keramat dalam seminggu.Hari ini jugaklah umat Islam kaum Adam akan ke masjid untuk menunaikan solat Jumaat.. Mase2 ginilah, kaum hawa akan pergi shopping dan berehat yakni tidur.. Bukan semua, ok! Takut ade plak yang tersinggung. Hak3..

Khutbah hari ini berkisar tentang takwa.

Allah berfirman :

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah sebenar-benarnya takwa kepada-Nya; 
dan janganlah sekali-kali kamu mati melainkan dalam keadaan beragama Islam. (QS.3:102)

Lepas solat Jumaat, sy ke KBMall.. Jalan2 kejap.. Takde mall lain dah.
Mak saya kata, "Nak pergi Parkson takde pape, kecik pulak tu"
Sabar jelah yer.. Inilah realiti kehidupan di sini.
Kedai Kyros Kebab kat KBMall pun dah tutup. Maybe kebab boleh beli kat pasar malam dan harga lagi murah. Hak3..


Anyway, sy pun sempat beli DVD Medal of Honor yang baru. Nak download malas, so beli jelah.


[laptop ASUS gua..]

[nguap plak.. maaflah kalu blog ini membosankan..]

best tgk iklan ni.. walaupun dah berkali-kali tgk, still nk tgk lagi..


I am so freakin' boring and it sucks. But good news for me, I will be no longer boring and will be pretty busy because i will once again go back studying at an academy nearby. Maybe i have no longer time to update Facebook, blog and what-so-ever once the semester begins. Don't worry, i will find time to update because someone from the overseas asking me, "Where's the new blog updates?". Fine. See. I'm doing it now.. Hahaha..

Last week, I attended another DSLR workshop organised by Nikon itself at Royal Guest House, Kelantan. I can see lots of people with Nikon DSLR. Yeay! Hahaha.. Somehow, I've been poisoned by those Canon users back then. There's a pros and cons whether you're using what kind of brands of camera. Nothing is perfect and people will not always satisfy with what they got.

a print tee with a Nikon camera picture on it.

The workshop managed to give me some ideas of the settings on my camera. Some parts. Thanks Mr. Mahfuz for the talk. From 10am to 6pm, it looks successful to me. We also been given chances to take photos of two models. Ladies, not men.

Here's some photos..

sentuhan klasik..

set2 fotografer...

will add more photos soon..